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Septic systems in certain areas surrounding Calgary are a necessity. When your acreage isn’t connected to the local sewer system, the only recourse is to invest in your own waste management structures. But septic systems are varied, and the kind that’s right for your property depends greatly on the unique characteristics of your land. Here are three aspects of septic systems you’ll need to consider before you purchase or install one.


The tank size you require for your property depends entirely on the number of people who reside on the acreage. Septic tanks in the greater Calgary area can at times be too small, which creates a number of problems for the property owners involved. Avoid this scenario by using the following formula recommended by Alberta Municipal Affairs. Multiply the amount of people residing on your property by the number of bedrooms in your home, and then multiply that figure by 340 (the average amount of sewage in litres used by the typical Canadian). The final figure will determine the appropriate tank size


The destination for all waste is a treatment system, most likely a treatment field. This sewage can be moved in one of two ways: by gravity or by pressure. If the first method is utilized, the treatment field will rest at a lower elevation than the tank, and waste will naturally travel downwards through a system of pipes to its destination. Pressure systems on the other hand utilize a pump to push the waste to its intended destination. Pressure systems are generally preferred because waste is distributed more uniformly in the field.


The type of treatment system you use depends on the type of soil you have on your acreage. It’s recommended that you get your soil tested in a lab to determine its constituents. A soil particle size analysis will determine the amounts of clay, sand and silt in your terrain. Once you have this information, the preferred treatment system becomes easy to determine.

Open discharge. The preferred method when you have well-balanced soil. An easy to manage system that only requires regularly pumping out waste.

Subsurface fields. Best for loamy soil. Underground fields are used to treat waste that’s discharged.

Treatment mounds. Used when subsoil is not suited for treating waste. They’re high-maintenance, and require fencing and lawn care to prevent the over-proliferation of weeds and grass.

Lagoons. Best for land with poor soil. This system uses a contained area to hold waste which eventually evaporates. The area needs to be fenced off but maintenance is minimal.

Holding tanks. If property constraints make onsite treatment impossible, a holding tank is necessary. The sewage is stored and then regularly moved to a municipal lagoon.


In the greater Calgary area, Wild Rose Vacuum Services is here to provide you with septic tank installation and maintenance. Contact us today to get a free quote.

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